
 演義の陸抗と羊祜のシーンの英語版。固有名詞は、Wu(呉)、Lu Kang(陸抗)、Yang Hu(羊祜)。

One day Yang Hu and his officers went out to hunt, and it happened that Lu Kang had chosen the same day to hunt. Yang Hu gave strict orders not to cross the boundary, and so each hunted only on his own side.
Lu Kang was astonished at the enemy's scrupulous propriety.
He sighed, "The soldiers of Yang Hu have so high a discipline that I may not make any invasion now."
In the evening, after both parties had returned, Yang Hu ordered an inspection of the slaughtered game and sent over to the other side any that seemed to have been first struck by the soldiers of Wu.
Lu Kang was greatly pleased and sent for the bearers of the game.
"Does your leader drink wine?" asked he.


One day the messengers said that Lu Kang was unwell and had been ailing for several days.
"I think he suffers from the same complaint as I," said Yang Hu. "I have some remedies ready prepared and will send him some."
The drugs were taken over to the Wu camp.
But the sick man's officers were suspicious and said, "This medicine is surely harmful: It comes from the enemy."
However, Lu Kang said, "No, old Uncle Yang Hu would not poison a person. Do not doubt."

"Romance of Three Kingdoms"


 ついでに最後の台詞の「old Uncle Yang Hu」っていうのも気にかかってしょうがない。気になりすぎて原文を見ると「豈有鴆人羊叔子哉! 汝眾人勿疑」とあり、どうやら羊祜さんの字「叔子」が誤訳されたものとか思われる……
